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Black History According to God's Word by Henry L. Razor asserts that Black History began with Adam's creation, as revealed in the inspired word of God. Pastor Razor explores scriptural indications of a predominantly black global population and traces migratory paths from Eden, demonstrating the vital role of Black People in establishing civilization. Beyond scripture, the book integrates insights from respected scientists. It concludes by emphasizing the significance of this knowledge for believers, offering a comprehensive resource for classrooms, churches, and conferences. Each enlightening chapter unveils the pivotal role of Black People in God's plan for the world, making it an essential read for all, particularly those of faith

In this book, Pastor Henry L Razor comprehensively defines ‘purpose’, explaining it within the confines of God’s overall master plan for the world. He then reveals the three ways in which we identify our unique, divinely assigned ‘purpose’. A functional and very effective five step process is presented that will lead you to your purpose. With the understanding that your purpose will have enemies and opposition, Pastor Razor provides guidance that is specific to defeating the enemies of your purpose. He closes this book by relating your ‘Divine Assignment’ to time continuum.
This book is a must have, not only for Believers, but for every living individual. You will identify your purpose and learn how to overcome the opposition to your assignment. You will see the hand of God in this work.
Every believer should have this book in their library and refer to it often!

With the leading of the Lord, this book was written to provide a guideline for overcoming life's most challenging situations by defeating the challenge at its very source. It provides detail and instruction for discerning the challenge, then applying the spiritual 'Best Practice' for subduing it.
The Table of Contents includes:
Preparing (Strategizing) for Spiritual War
The Making of Our Enemy
The Constitution of Man (How God Created Us to Defeat Spiritual Forces)
Winning The Spiritual War (A four Step Holy Spirit Inspired Procedure)
The Example of Jesus (This is How Jesus Always defeated His Enemy)
This book will change your life for the better and have positive impact in every aspect of your life.

The 4 Principles of Dominion Authority Your Authority & Power to Create Success in Your Life by Henry L. Razor is a booklet that introduces you to four valid principles. These principles are provided by God for you to achieve success in everything that you do. Razor reminds us that implementing the laws of dominion authority has the power to force change at every level of your life if you consistently apply and utilize these principles.
This book goes hand and hand with the book Winning Spiritual Wars Unleashing the Power of the Soul, another good read by Henry L. Razor. So be inspired by this biblical selection and find the power to create success in your life!

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